Resource Centre · Environmental Resources



Environmental Resources

OSSTF/FEESO has developed resources and materials to support members and local leaders to become more aware of their impact on the environment. These resources are designed to provide some practical ideas and encouragement to everyone in the Federation when it comes to engaging in environmentally-friendly actions, whether it is in their workplaces or in OSSTF/FEESO activities.

The Provincial Executive receives advice on climate change issues and how they impact the Federation from the OSSTF/FEESO Environmental Advisory Work Group. These materials are produced recognizing that there is not a simple “one-size-fits-all” template for everyone. However, they are designed to bring greater awareness of our impact on climate change, and to provide some ideas on how we can reduce our impact on the environment in our communities.

OSSTF/FEESO is also part of a number of environmental coalitions. These coalitions include:

Greening our Union - Tools for your District or Bargaining Unit Workshop

This workshop is presented by members of the Environmental Advisory Work Group, and provides participants with practical and accessible tips, suggestions and ideas to help you make your office, home and workplace more ecologically friendly. The presentation will give you the simple why and how to Green your union and participants will be empowered, encouraged and shown just how easy it is to make the simple choices that can make a big difference. For more information and to book a workshop, please contact Steven Newstead (steven.newstead@osstf.ca) at Provincial Office.

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