Resource Centre · Educators’ Resources



Educators’ Resources

The Educators’ Resources section includes information about Growing Success, Anti-homophobia materials, sexual harassment prevention resources, advice for Occasional teachers and ECE members and an archive of selected Resources of the Month.

Inside Educators’ Resources
365 Days of Black Excellence
This OSSTF/FEESO resource is to amplify and celebrate the Black Excellence of Canadians 365 days of the year.
The ABCs of Survival Lock
The content of this page is only accessible to active members of OSSTF/FEESO.  If you are a member of OSSTF/FEESO, you can access this content in myOSSTF.
Acronyms Used within OSSTF/FEESO
This OSSTF/FEESO resource was created to help all members understand the various terms commonly used during federation meetings and/or in federation correspondence.
Addressing Challenging Behaviour in the Early Years
Addressing Challenging Behaviour in the Early Years: an online audio resource providing useful information for reflection, discussion and positive action.
CAS Guidelines for Members
OSSTF/FEESO has created a guide for to dealing with Children’s Aid Societies. Topics include: things to know about child welfare, police involvement in child protection investigations, the investigation....
Celebrating Black Intersectionality
This year, for Black History Month, OSSTF/FEESO is highlighting the importance of intersectional identities about Black individuals and communities.....
Cultivating Resilience
As part of the funding received from the Ministry of Education in 2017–2018, OSSTF/FEESO produced a resource video for members on building resilience and fostering positive mental health.
Differentiated Instruction Annotated Bibliography
The Educational Services Committee of OSSTF/FEESO has created an annotated bibliography of several publications dealing with Differentiated Instruction. These publications address issues of...
ECE Resource Guide Lock
The content of this page is only accessible to active members of OSSTF/FEESO.  If you are a member of OSSTF/FEESO, you can access this content in myOSSTF.
Educational Services Workshops
OSSTF/FEESO remains committed to building the capacity of educators by continuing to offer high quality professional growth opportunities created by members, for members.
First Nations, Métis and Inuit Resources for Educators — Indian Residential Schools in Canada
OSSTF/FEESO supports the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) in their final report released in December 2015. We are offering a list of resources that educators...
Human Rights – Everyone’s Rights
Human Rights – Everyone’s Rights is a quick reference guide to understanding your rights under the Ontario Human Rights Code, and what harassment under the Code means.
Labour Online
Labour Online is a pamphlet which supports and encourages labour studies in our schools. It contains a list of online resources that are available through the web.
Mental Health Resources
In addition to our workshops, Mental Health: Let's Act and Cultivating Resilience, OSSTF/FEESO has identified a variety of resources and professional development opportunities that members may find useful.
Professional Judgement Lock
The content of this page is only accessible to active members of OSSTF/FEESO.  If you are a member of OSSTF/FEESO, you can access this content in myOSSTF.
Resource of the Month Archive
The OSSTF/FEESO Educational Services Committee provides a monthly resource that members may find useful in their classrooms, worksites or personal lives.
Shout Out Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia and Heterosexism
Shout Out Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia and Heterosexism is a booklet designed to educate young people on issues relating to sexual orientation and gender identity.
Still Not Laughing
The new material contained in Still Not Laughing furthers the discussion and deepens our understandings of how sexual harassment affects our learning communities.
Violence Against Indigenous Women
OSSTF/FEESO believes that appropriate resources must be made available to assist educators in exploring the issues and challenges which confront indigenous peoples in Canada.