Membership · Voluntary Membership / Active Retired Members



Voluntary Membership / Active Retired Members

Voluntary Membership may be granted by the Provincial Executive to a person who is certificated as a secondary school teacher in the Province of Ontario, and/or who is employed in an educational capacity or former members of OSSTF/FEESO who have been placed on long term disability and whose contract with an employer has been terminated. Individuals must apply through their district executive to be a Voluntary Member.

Active Retired Members (ARM)

In 1996, OSSTF/FEESO established a new type of membership specifically for Active Retired Members (ARM). This allows retired members of OSSTF/FEESO who wish to remain actively involved with their colleagues politically or socially to rejoin OSSTF/FEESO.

Active retirement offers an opportunity for continuing involvement with the educational community at both the local and provincial levels.

Local chapters of ARM have been or are being organized to provide members with opportunities to gather for social events and/or political action activities.

The experience, skills and abilities of retired members are valuable resources that should be utilized to further goals in areas such as political action, legislative lobbying, crisis assistance, research, communications, and public relations.

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