Resource Centre · Briefs and Submissions



Briefs and Submissions

OSSTF/FEESO is often asked to provide input on a number of topics, government bills and positions and societal trends.

The Federation also routinely comments on topics that are pertinent to the membership. In this section there are the latest briefs and submissions made to government and other bodies on a variety of subjects that deal with education, social and public policy issues.

They reflect OSSTF/FEESO policies and positions.

Past Briefs and Submissions


Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs – Pre-Budget Submission Consultations – January 28, 2025
OSSTF/FEESO calls on the government to implement the recommendations contained in this submission. Each of which would have a positive and immediate impact on student learning and outcomes. This government has ignored every one of them. This proposed budget continues to take money out of Ontario’s world-class schools and campuses. It continues to ignore what students need in order to be healthy and achieve the success they deserve. The economic payoff is indisputable. The ability to properly fund public education exists. Now is the time to act to strengthen public education.

Submission to the 2025-2026 Education Engagement Consultations
OSSTF/FEESO’s submission is contained in two parts. Part A responds directly to the Funding Engagement Guide and the questions posed by the Ministry of Education; and Part B, which provides additional submissions on education funding.


Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs – Budget Hearings – April 2024
On April 22, 2024, OSSTF/FEESO made an oral presentation and presented an oral submission to the Standing Committee of Finance and Economic Affairs regarding the 2024 Ontario Budget. The government’s proposed 2024 budget continues to short-change Ontario’s students. The budget contains what amounts to a cut for elementary and secondary education, as funding again fails to keep pace with the rate of inflation.

Submission to the Ministry of Education on Teacher Assignment in Technology and the Skilled Trades (TAS1O and TAS2O) Courses Consultation – March 18, 2024
OSSTF/FEESO is pleased to provide its submission to the Ontario Ministry of Education consultation on the question of Teacher Assignment in Technology and the Skilled Trades TAS1O and TAS2O courses. For more information on OSSTF/FEESO’s position, please consult the full document, which provides an extensive backgrounder and detailed analysis of better options that should be considered by the Ministry of Education.

Submission to the Ministry of Education on Proposed Regulatory Amendments related to Proficiency in Mathematics – March 18, 2024
OSSTF/FEESO welcomed the opportunity to provide input for the proposed regulatory amendments related to Proficiency in Mathematics. OSSTF/FEESO is a strong, independent, socially active union that promotes and advances the cause of public education and the rights of students, educators, and education workers. Teacher Candidates in training at any post-secondary institution that provides a program of professional education accreditation under Ontario Regulation 347/02 are considered Associate members of OSSTF/FEESO as per our Bylaw As such, the Federation will always advocate for Teacher Candidates to ensure there are no artificial barriers for them to enter the profession.

OSSTF/FEESO has serious concerns about a mandatory, high-stakes math proficiency test and is proposing that no such requirement be in place for any Teacher Candidate.

Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs – Pre-Budget Consultations – January 23, 2024
OSSTF/FEESO welcomes the opportunity to provide input for the development of the 2024 Ontario Budget. The continued underfunding and underspending in the public education sector is jeopardizing student outcomes and negatively impacting Ontario’s future. Our 2024 Pre-Budget submission includes thirty-eight recommendations that are focused on strengthening publicly-funded education and rebuilding the province. The Ontario Government, through its budget, must reflect on the role of schools as pillars to building communities. With students at the heart of our public education, the time to invest in Ontario’s communities and future is now.

Submission to the Ministry of Education on Accelerated Apprenticeship Pathway Consultation – November 2023
OSSTF/FEESO provided its submission to the Ministry on November 23, 2023 and believe students should be allowed to explore interests in the trades and other subject areas while completing secondary school with their peers. OSSTF/FEESO hopes this consultation will illustrate that this Ministry initiative will not achieve the objectives it identifies, as: it is not likely to improve apprenticeship completion rates; it will actually dilute the skills of workers in the sector by pulling them out of school earlier; it will create an adverse impact on their future employability; and it is likely to fail multitudes of young people by insufficiently supporting their capacity to transition to other pathways and programs when they realize an apprenticeship is simply not suited for them.

Submission to the 2024-2025 Education Funding Consultations – October 2023
OSSTF/FEESO provided its submission to the Ontario Ministry of Education for the 2024-2025 Grants for Student Needs (GSNs). OSSTF/FEESO believes that all students deserve to have every opportunity to reach their full potential and succeed personally and academically, with access to rich learning experiences that provide a strong foundation of confidence that continues throughout their lives. Ontario needs well-educated, intelligent, skilled, strong, and resilient workers and a public education system to support all students and their needs. The priority of this government must be to address these funding shortfalls and to make significant investments to address mental health and the widening gaps in inequity among the diverse peoples of Ontario.


Submission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy – Bill 98, Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act – May 2023
On May 8, 2023, OSSTF/FEESO made an oral presentation and presented an oral submission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy regarding the Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act. Improving student success and strengthening public education is something OSSTF/FEESO and its members have been advocating for over 100 years. Despite its misleading title, Bill 98 offers very little in terms of supports or resources for students and seems primarily focused on assuming control over school board decision making, and not on how we can better support students and make up for the learning loss experienced during the pandemic.

Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs – Budget Hearings – April 2023
On April 26, 2023, OSSTF/FEESO made an oral presentation and presented an oral submission to the Standing Committee of Finance and Economic Affairs regarding the 2023 Ontario Budget. The Ford government continues to shortchange the Ontario public education system. All of OSSTF/FEESO’s 31 recommendations contained in its pre-Budget submission were ignored by the Ford government. In addition to reiterating the 31 recommendations, new suggestions for improvement were provided in the April submission and presentation.

OTF Position on the Right to Read Report of the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC)
Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF) affiliates have been meeting for several years regarding the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) Right to Read Inquiry, and the resulting OHRC Report. The key findings and recommendations from the Inquiry were presented within the OHRC Report under five main areas:

  • Scientific approach to teaching reading;
  • Universal early screening;
  • Appropriate interventions;
  • Effective accommodations; and,
  • Professional assessments.

Through in-depth review of the OHRC report, all OTF affiliates were in agreement with several key messages and cautions, resulting in an OTF position paper.

Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs – Pre-Budget Hearings – February 2023
OSSTF/FEESO is very concerned that public education continues to be underfunded. The government continues to shortchange Ontario’s students. In its 2023 Pre-Budget submission to the Ontario government, the Federation included thirty-one recommendations, all of which focused on strengthening publicly-funded education and rebuilding the province. Now is the time to invest in our greatest asset, the students in Ontario’s public education system. The economic payoff is indisputable.

Submission on Bill 36, Progress on the Plan to Build Act - November 28, 2022
OSSTF/FEESO calls on the government to invest in our future—the many diverse students in Ontario’s public schools and postsecondary institutions. Our submission proposal includes six recommendations that will protect and build up one of the province's most valuable assets: Ontario's world-class publicly-funded education system.

Submission to the 2023-2024 Education Funding Consultations – November 15, 2022
OSSTF/FEESO is very concerned that public education continues to be underfunded. The government continues to short-change Ontario’s students, with the Financial Accountability Office of Ontario projecting annual shortfalls in education funding totalling $6.0 billion through 2027-28. Our submission is contained in two parts. Part A responds directly to the Funding Engagement Guide and the questions posed by the Ministry of Education, and Part B, which provides additional submissions on education funding.

OSSTF/FEESO Submission to the Ministry of Education on Modernizing Education – March 1, 2022
OSSTF/FEESO recognizes the need for publicly funded education to evolve to meet the needs of all who rely on it and is committed to working with families, community leaders, elected leaders, and various stakeholders who seek to strengthen and enhance publicly funded education in Ontario. Our submission provides various suggestions focused on building a better future that moves beyond the status quo and was made in response to questions asked at the Ministry Initiatives Committee (MIC) meeting on February 10, 2022.

OSSTF/FEESO Submission – Policy/Program Memorandum No. 81 (PPM 81), Provision of Health Support Services in School Settings 2021-22 Review
Policy/Program Memorandum (PPM) No. 81 provides a framework for the delivery of health supports/services in schools, and outlines responsibilities for the administration, training/direction, and related consultation of these supports/services. The Federation believes the draft revisions in PPM 81 do not improve or build upon the current and successful examples of direct school-based rehabilitation service delivery by school boards. If implemented, the government proposed revisions will privatize public services and result in a less efficient use of resources and a reduction of service for all students.

OSSTF/FEESO Submission to the Finance and Economic Affairs Committee on Bill 43 - Build Ontario Act
OSSTF/FEESO presented its submission on Bill 43 - Build Ontario Act to the Finance and Economic Affairs Committee on January 21, 2022. Education is the cornerstone of economic growth. OSSTF/FEESO strongly believes Bill 43 will lead to less funding for public education and further exemplifies the provincial government’s inadequate investment in Ontario’s future.

OSSTF/FEESO Submission to the Finance and Economic Affairs Committee on 2022 Pre-Budget Consultations – January 20, 2022
OSSTF/FEESO is pleased to provide its submission to the Finance and Economic Affairs Committee on 2022 Pre-Budget Consultations. The global pandemic has revealed the deep levels of inequities in society and highlighted the crucial role education plays in maintaining a strong and vibrant community. OSSTF/FEESO strongly believes that now is the time to invest in and enhance Ontario's publicly-funded education system in order to rebuild the province and the people living in it.


OSSTF/FEESO Submission to the 2022 – 2023 Education Funding Consultations – November 15, 2021
OSSTF/FEESO provided its submission to the Ontario Ministry of Education for the 2022-2023 Grants for Student Needs on November 15, 2021. Our submission contained two parts. Part A responds directly to the Funding Engagement Guide and the questions posed by the ministry, and Part B, which provides additional submissions on education funding.

OSSTF/FEESO Submission to the Standing Committee on General Government Bill 13, Supporting People and Business Act, 2021 – November 11, 2021
OSSTF/FEESO provided its submission to the Standing Committee on General Government outlining our concerns regarding Bill 13, the Supporting People and Businesses Act. The bill includes proposed governance changes to the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) and removing government oversight of two key aspects of the appointment of supervisory officers at Ontario public school boards.

OSSTF/FEESO Submission on Proposed Legislative Changes in Bill 254, Protecting Ontario Elections Act – March 29, 2021
OSSTF/FEESO is pleased to make a submission regarding Bill 254, Protecting Ontario Elections Act. While the bill makes some minor improvements to the Ontario’s election laws, specifically around voting equipment, vote counting equipment, and advance polls, we believe that this bill is fundamentally flawed and represents an infringement of Ontarians’ ability and right to freely participate in elections.

OSSTF/FEESO Pre-Budget Submission to the Ontario Ministry of Finance – Feb, 13, 2021
OSSTF/FEESO is pleased to make a 2021 budget consultation submission in advance of the 2021 budget. This budget consultation submission contains two parts, first the kindergarten to grade 12 sector, followed by the post-secondary sector with recommendations for both.


OSSTF/FEESO Submission to the 2020 – 2021 Education Funding Consultations
OSSTF/FEESO is pleased to provide its submission to the Ontario Ministry of Education for the 2020 – 2021 Grants for Student Needs. OSSTF/FEESO strongly believes that with the appropriate political direction, savings can be found for reinvestment into Ontario’s world-renowned education system. However, recent education funding cuts must be reversed to ensure our students have the best possible outcomes.

OSSTF/FEESO Pre-Budget Consultation Submission – January 17, 2020

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