OSSTF/FEESO Home · Resource Centre

OSSTF/FEESO Home · Resource Centre



Resource Centre

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This Resource Centre contains information for members that will help them become better informed about their work, their union, their rights and their protections.

The Member Protection section contains information about items such as Employment Insurance, CAS and pay equity. The Guidelines and Advice section provides information for Associate teachers, NTIP mentors, environmental initiatives, accessibility guidelines, and cybersafety tips. The Educators’ Resources section includes information about Growing Success, Anti-homophobia materials, sexual harassment prevention resources, advice for Occasional teachers and ECE members and an archive of selected Resources of the Month.

Support for curriculum implementation including lesson plans from our Common Threads projects and Socially-based Curriculum Units is found in Curricular Materials. The Copyright Section contains information and resources from the council of Ministers of Education Canada on the use of copyrighted materials for educational purposes in elementary and secondary schools.