Membership · How to Organize Your Workplace



How to Organize Your Workplace

The Organizing Process

The first step is to invite an OSSTF/FEESO Organizer to initiate an organizing drive in your workplace.
Sign Membership Cards
  A signed card indicates your desire to secure bargaining rights through OSSTF/FEESO and protect your future. By law your decision to join the union is strictly confidential.

The employer is never told who signed a card nor do they ever know how you vote.
Application for Certification
  When at least 40% of your co-workers agree to secure
their future, an application is sent to the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB) requesting certification.
Employers Response
  Your employer has two days to respond to the application.
Secret Ballot Vote
  The OLRB will order and conduct a secret ballot vote within 5 working days from the date of application.
Union Certification
  Vote requirement for certification is 50% + 1 of the voters.

  You are now a member of OSSTF/FEESO, the
largest all-inclusive educational union in Ontario.

Now we start working on your behalf.
Constitution and By-Laws
  Your bargaining unit and OSSTF/FEESO will now work on a constitution and bylaws that will govern your bargaining unit. The members have input into this process.

Executive Officers and Committees


Once a draft constitution and bylaws have been prepared, an inaugural meeting will be held for all members to adopt the constitution and elect a slate of officers.

Notice of Intent to Bargain
  OSSTF/FEESO will notify your employer that they wish to meet and negotiate a contract.

Collective Agreement


A professional negotiator will meet with your bargaining committee and the employer to negotiate your first OSSTF/FEESO contract.

The employer is legally bound to bargain with your union in good faith.

Contact Information

Lamia Sabbagh

Director of Member Protection, Member Protection Department

Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation

60 Mobile Dr.
Toronto, ON M4A 2P3

phone: 416-751-8300

Toll Free: 1-800-267-7867

Fax: 416-751-3875