OSSTF/FEESO Home · Membership

OSSTF/FEESO Home · Membership




Collective Strength, Singular Focus

OSSTF/FEESO is the first choice in representation for educational workers by virtue of our bargaining power, democratic structure, very low dues and exclusive focus on education.

A leader in bargaining, we set the standard in many areas including pregnancy leaves, pay equity, salary and benefits, and workload. We vigorously and successfully protect and defend the rights of our members in their relationships with their employers, with school boards and the government.

Why Others Have Chosen OSSTF/FEESO

Teachers employed in English public secondary schools in Ontario are statutory members of OSSTF/FEESO.

A large number of support staff groups working for various school boards and universities have chosen OSSTF/FEESO as their union. This is because no one knows the educational system better and knows how to get it done better. Plus, we have no divided attention or loyalties that could compromise our effectiveness on your behalf.

Being a member of OSSTF/FEESO means getting your voice heard. Our democratic structure ensures that you have a hand in key decisions and can participate to the extent of your interests and abilities.

Pride In Belonging

Being a member also means belonging to a network of like-minded, involved individuals who can collectively make things happen and who care deeply about education. You can be proud to be a member of OSSTF/FEESO. We are socially active union, devoted to improving our communities, our province, our country and our world.