Awards, Scholarships, Grants, and Bursaries

OSSTF/FEESO Financial Assistance Awards for Further Education · Education Travelling Grant



Education Travelling Grant

  1. The grant shall provide the opportunity for an OSSTF/FEESO Member in good standing to travel, during the upcoming academic year, for the purpose of serving education:
    1. an amount of $3,500 will be set aside each year
    2. awards may be any sum up to $3,500
    3. more than one award may be made in one year, having regard to funds available and the sum(s) requested by the applicant(s).
  2. Applications are acceptable from current OSSTF/FEESO Members:
    1. in good standing
    2. who are currently involved in travel and will be continuing their travel for the upcoming academic year or will undertake travel during the academic year following receipt of the award, and
    3. have not previously been a recipient of this grant.
  3. Each candidate shall submit a completed application form provided by the Federation, which shall include:
    1. academic and professional information
    2. a detailed itinerary and the duration of the proposed travel
    3. a summary of the expected contribution to education of this travel
    4. a list of people and organizations contracted for possible visitation
    5. a statement of anticipated expenses
    6. two or more letters of reference from OSSTF/FEESO members in good standing that address the candidate’s suitability for this award
    7. it is understood that, at the completion of the proposed travel, the grant recipient shall submit to OSSTF/FEESO a written report on how the award has enhanced or supported their role as an educational worker and a copy of any reports written as a result of the travel program. OSSTF/FEESO may use all or part of the reports without further payment to the author or the author’s publisher.
  4. The Education Travelling Grant is for the academic year following receipt of the award NOT the current year. In order to qualify for this grant, your travel MUST take place from July 1st onward.

  5. Interpretation and administration of the terms of these grants are at the discretion of the OSSTF/FEESO Educational Services Committee subject to the approval of the Provincial Executive.

  6. Completed applications should be electronically submitted with all attachments.

    It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that any attachments that cannot be submitted electronically are sent to:

    Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation
    Educational Services Department
    60 Mobile Drive
    Toronto, ON
    M4A 2P3

The application and all attachments must be received at OSSTF/FEESO provincial office no later than April 1.

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