Resource Centre

Briefs and Submissions · Credit Integrity



Credit Integrity

The Credit Integrity Work Group was struck in response to a Provincial Council motion requesting OSSTF/FEESO to look into defining “real” versus “artificial” student success.  The work group established Guiding Principles of Teacher Professionalism that framed their discussions and the recommendations they formulated. 

A brief recap of the current Ministry guidelines dealing with Credit Recovery and Student Success Teachers was included to show the intended direction of the Ministry in these Student Success initiatives.  A legal opinion about the right of teachers to refuse to change a student’s mark when requested by a principal to do so is included in the report. 

Short, medium, and long range strategies to deal with issues related to Credit Integrity are outlined in the report including negotiations’ issues, consultation strategies with educational partners, communications with our members, and preliminary details about Credit Integrity workshops at Summer Leadership and a Fall 2007 Credit Integrity Symposium.  An appendix to the report is a list of current OSSTF/FEESO Policy Statements that relate to Credit Integrity.

Contact Information

Marc Robillard

Executive Assistant, Member Protection Department

Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation

60 Mobile Dr
Toronto, ON  M4A 2P3

Phone: 416-751-8300 x 273

Toll Free: 1-800-267-7867

Fax: 416-751-3875