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Union Training · OSSTF/FEESO Communications & Political Action Conference 2020



OSSTF/FEESO Communications & Political Action Conference 2020

The Communications & Political Action (CPAC) Virtual Conference, Toward 2022 and Beyond - Protecting our Future, Embracing the Challenge, Empowering Change took place on November 6-7, 2020.  The conference provided participants with the tools, resources, and knowledge necessary to effectively communicate and remain politically active as they continue their efforts to protect and enhance publicly-funded education. Below you will find recordings of the keynote address by award winning journalist, columnist, non-fiction author and social critic, Linda McQuaig, a plenary session with representatives from various community and parent advocacy groups, and five workshop presentations. In addition to the recordings, members can access the presentation slide deck handouts for each of the workshops. Please note, these recordings are meant for OSSTF/FEESO members only and should not be copied or distributed.

Inside Addresses and Speeches
Keynote Address - Linda McQuaig
Community Alliances and Mobilization Plenary
Allies and Community Outreach
Digital Organizing, Campaigns, and Activism (technical issues caused the first 10 minutes to be omitted)
Mapping and Engagement
Effective Communications Strategies
Stratégies efficaces de communication