News · Reopening of Schools – Report on Ministry of Education Discussions



Reopening of Schools – Report on Ministry of Education Discussions

June 29, 2020 – OSSTF/FEESO has participated in discussion tables with senior level Ministry of Education staff, along with other education affiliates, since schools closed in March 2020 due the COVID-19 pandemic.  We have offered the Ministry advice on a number of issues related to emergency remote distance learning and other education-related matters during school closures using the collective experience and expertise of our membership to inform the government.

However, on the issue of a safe school reopening plan, the Minister of Education and Ministry staff have not engaged in any significant conversations with us.  OSSTF/FEESO will share reports with members on our ongoing attempts to have discussions with the government on school reopening plans to offer our advice moving forward. 

You can view our school reopening recommendations – A safe return for all: OSSTF/FEESO’s framework for reopening schools in 2020-2021.

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