The Ontario Secondary School Teacher’s Federation (OSSTF) welcomes its new members whether they be teachers or educational workers and strives to provide them with the information needed to work safely and professionally. We also want to educate our new members as to their rights and responsibilities, both as members of OSSTF/FEESO and as employees.
OSSTF/FEESO, like every union, exists to protect and serve its membership — do not be afraid to ask questions or request assistance.
The five “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) categories below will provide information about a wide variety of questions that new members often have about being part of a union in general or about OSSTF/FEESO in particular.
If you don’t find what you are looking for in any of the sections below, please fill in and submit the “Send us a message" form on the Contact Us page and someone will get back to you with an answer as quickly as possible.
If you are a new member to OSSTF/FEESO, please read this message from our President (PDF) welcoming you to the Federation.
New Member Information
Where can I find information about my local district and bargaining unit?
You will find a list of the contact information and websites for all of the OSSTF/FEESO districts and bargaining units on our
Districts and Bargaining Units page.

Who do I contact if I can’t find my workplace union rep or can’t reach anyone at my local OSSTF/FEESO office?
Call the Provincial Office directly at 416-751-8300 or toll-free at 1-800-267-7867 and ask for the Information Coordinator. The Information Coordinator will put you in touch with your field secretary or, if the field secretary is not available, refer you to another staff member who can provide assistance. If it is after hours, leave a message on the answering machine and someone will return your call as soon as possible.

Where do I get a copy of my contract?
Your employer should have given you a copy of your contract (collective agreement) or shown you how to access it on the employer website or intranet when you were hired. Some districts and bargaining units also post a copy on their website. If you still cannot find or access it, contact the president of your bargaining unit. You will find a list of the contact information and websites for all of the OSSTF/FEESO districts and bargaining units on our
Districts and Bargaining Units page.

Who do I contact if I have changed my address, phone number, or name?
Fill in the “Send us a message” form on the Contact Us page and click on “Membership Database” in the drop down menu beside “Your message is regarding.”
You will also need to make sure that your
pension plan, your employer, and your professional college (for example, Ontario College of Teachers, College of Early Childhood Educators etc.) is informed of the change of information.

Who do I contact if I have been called to a meeting with my principal or supervisor and I think I may be in trouble?
Contact your workplace union representative. If you do not have one, contact the president of your bargaining unit. In any meeting with the employer or its agents (such as a principal or supervisor) regarding any aspect of your job performance or conduct, you have the legal right to have a union representative attend the meeting with you. If the meeting has already started and you discover that your performance or conduct is being questioned, you have the right to ask that the meeting be postponed until you can arrange for a union representative to attend with you.

Who do I contact if I have a Health & Safety concern?
Each workplace has Health & Safety representative(s) on staff. If you do not know who they are, contact your local OSSTF/FEESO office to discuss your concern.
The provincial OSSTF/FEESO Health and Safety/Workplace Safety Insurance Act Committee has created a variety of
Information Bulletins and
other brochures on a wide range of health and safety topics of interest to our members.

What do I do and who do I contact if I get injured on the job?
If you are injured or ill because of work, your first priority is to seek proper medical attention. You must also inform your employer or supervisor, so that they can give you assistance and fulfill their responsibilities regarding the incident. Here is more information on how to go about doing so.
In addition:
1. Notify your OSSTF/FEESO Health & Safety Officer, and Bargaining Unit President.
2. Document what took place before, during, and after the incident — include names of witnesses.
3. Fill out OSSSTF/FEESO and Board incident reports.
4. Do not use sick days for job-related injury — except as required to top up salary according to local sub–plan — have administration file a Form 7 with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) to claim workers’ compensation.

What do I do and who do I contact if I am assaulted or subjected to a violent incident on the job?
1. Immediately report the incident to administration and the police.
2. Seek medical attention, if necessary.
3. Notify your local workplace representative, the OSSTF/FEESO Health & Safety Officer, and Bargaining Unit President.
4. Document what took place before, during, and after the assault – include names of witnesses.
5. Fill out OSSSTF/FEESO and Board incident reports.
6. Do not use sick days for job related injury — except as required to top up salary according to local sub–plan — have administration file a Form 7 with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) to claim workers’ compensation.
Further information regarding the protocol for OSSTF/FEESO members after an assault in the workplace can be found on our

I think I am being harassed or bullied — who can I call?
A member of OSSTF/FEESO has the right to a workplace and union environment free from harassment and bullying. Harassment and discrimination are not joking matters. They have a destructive effect on the workplace environment, individual well-being, and union solidarity. Such actions are not only destructive, they can be illegal.
If you believe that you are being harassed or bullied, or if you have been accused of harassing or bullying someone else, contact your union rep immediately for assistance and advice. For general information, consult the
OSSTF/FEESO Workplace Harassment Guidelines and the
OSSTF/FEESO Anti-Harassment Policy.