
Recent Changes · 2019




Changes effective April 22, 2017

The following two amendments are in some respects housekeeping, and simplify the application process and eliminate the need to mail as many paper documents to OSSTF as part of the certification process.  

CERT 201-19
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Procedure be amended by deletion of "in writing".

P&P, page 23 All applications for Certification Rating Statements must be submitted in writing on the official application form for an OSSTF Certification Rating Statement.  (A.15)

CERT 202-19
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Procedure be amended by deletion of "eligible photocopy of" and insertion of "Number" after "Registration".

P&P, page 23
9.4 Obtaining an Evaluation (Certification Rating Statement)
9.4.1 Application This application must be accompanied by the following: eligible photocopy of the Member’s Certificate of Qualification and Registration; (A.17)

The following amendments update procedures deleted in 2017 to reflect changes related to the move to an expanded teacher education program in Ontario in 2015. 

CERT 203-19
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Procedure be amended by the addition of subsections that read: 

" Acceptable Master's degree at the post-graduate level or PhD plus Additional Qualification courses and/or university courses (second class average) to a total of 2 full courses. Acceptable 2 year Master's degree at the post-graduate level (exclusive of teacher training)."

9.11 CERT Reg. 7 Academic Chart
9.11.4 GROUP 4 An acceptable 4 year undergraduate degree, pass standing plus one of the following: (A.15)

The following motion removes OSSTF certification regulations, Procedure 9, from the handbook. As a separate Teacher Certification Handbook, regulations can be changed as needed at any Provincial Council meeting, and can be deleted when the move to QECO is complete.

CERT 205-19
BE IT RESOLVED THAT OSSTF Policies and Procedures be amended by the deletion of “Procedure 9, Teacher Certification”, and that the contents of Procedure 9, Teacher Certification, become a separate Teacher Certification Handbook, amendable by Provincial Council.