Update · Update


Update · Update




Update — 2017–2018 Update is the official newsletter of OSSTF/FEESO. It is published at least once a month during the regular school year and mailed to all members at their work sites. Its award winning articles cover a variety of subjects that deal with members’ working lives, the education community and social issues.

Editorials, provincial and local news stories, analysis of education, social and political issues, political cartoons and articles on a variety of subjects are all found within its pages. It is also a great place to list a classified ad that reaches almost 60,000 readers.

  • Editions


    PCs win majority government; Les PC obtiennent un gouvernement majoritaire; Awards bestowed at June Provincial Council; The new political landscape: A message from the Provincial Executive; La nouvelle scène politique : Un message de l’Exécutif provincial; Labour Day; Member profile: Pawel Mazurek


    Compare the parties’ platforms on education; Comparer les programmes en matière d’éducation des partis; OTPP responsible investing report; 180 attend CPAC Regional meetings; ResearchED Conference a resounding success, weather notwithstanding; OSSTF/FEESO members can’t afford a Ford majority; National Indigenous Peoples Day; Sexual Harassment Awareness Week; Semaine de sensibilisation au harcèlement sexuel; Judicial Council vacancies; Poste au Conseil Judiciaire; Out & Proud Labour 2018 Ontario pride events; Why celebrate Pride 2018?; Volunteers needed—Common Threads VII: Artificial Intelligence (al) and Society.


    Annual Meeting of the Provincial Assembly; Violence In The Workplace Task Force: The work continues; Groupe de travail sur la violence au travail : Les activités se poursuivent; OSSTF/FEESO files unfair labour practices complaint; Teacher Candidates Invited to AMPA, where are they now?; Seeing past the lure of populism; Election Preview; Funding renewed for 150 OSSTF/FEESO jobs at University of Guelph; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; Support Staff Appreciation Day; Journée de reconnaissance du personnel de soutien; Education Week 2018; Member recognition; Day of Mourning 2018.


    Public Education—It’s For Everyone; L’Éducation publique—c’est pour tout le monde; Student Achievement Awards; An election is coming and it’s time to pay attention; What’s in Bill 148?; Election preview; Proposed Annual Action Plan 2018–2019; Plan d’action annuel propose 2018–19; 2017 Audit at a glance; Coup d’œil verification de 2017; International Women’s Day —the global struggle for gender equality; April researchED conference to be sponsored by OSSTF/FEESO; Le CSLF a besoin de vous!; Student Achievement Awards—regional winners; Siéger à un comité, pourquoi pas!; Black History Month.


    OCT fee increase is defeated; Échec de l’OEEO à augmenter les cotisations; Queen’s Park notes; Community outreach through Account #2047; Applications to Provincial Standing Committees and Councils, 2018–2019; Life as a new member; Women’s March 2018; Health and Safety Information Bulletin—Lead in the drinking water; The Future will be Green with OSSTF/FEESO; OSSTF/FEESO awards of recognition for members; Algoma University Support Staff get a deal; Member honoured with Draw the Line Award; OPSEU College Faculty to launch Charter challenge.


    Listening to members across the province; écouter les membres partout en province; Queen’s Park Notes; Jim Forster Human Rights Award; The OCT needs to check its priorities; Letter to the editor; Harvey Bischof speaks at researchED conference, OSSTF/FEESO plans its own; WSIB’s new policy on chronic mental stress is too restrictive; La nouvelle politique de la CSPAAT en matière de stress mental chronique est trop restrictive; Workplace violence main focus of 2017 H & S conference; OFL’s 14th biennial convention adopts comprehensive action plan; AMPA news.


    Local leaders gather for election readiness consultations; Rassemblement des dirigeants locaux dans le cadre des consultations préparatoires aux élections; Never forget; N’oublions jamais; Twenty years later, why commemorate the bill 160 protest?; Ontario College of Teachers: Their Mortgage or Yours?; Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week; Orange Shirt Day 2017; President and VP attend SADTU National General Council; Queen’s Park notes; OSSTF/FEESO welcomes new members; 14th Biennial Convention will mark 60th anniversary of OFL; OSSTF/FEESO to sponsor researchED conference.


    Leadership 2017; CLC pushes for universal pharmacare; Election preview; Bill 148 close to becoming law; The fixation on standardized test scores; Update is online; October is Women’s History Month; Student Achievement Awards; Vacancy on Mediation Services Resource Bank; Poste vacant au Sein de la Banque de Ressources En services De médiation; New Member Workgoup; Employee recognition; Federation Family Education Fund; OSSTF/FEESO supports life-long learning.